The Department of Transportation, along with the Department of Public Works and Highways, held the ground-breaking ceremony for the expansion of the active transport infrastructure of San Fernando, Pampanga. With this project, a 37.5km bike-lane network will be established featuring three classes of bike lanes.
Under this classification, Class 1 refers to paths completely isolated from motor vehicles, which may be shared with pedestrians. Separated bike lanes—whether by bollards, curbs, or paint—fall under Class 2. Meanwhile, Class 3 refers to sharrows or mixed-use lanes where active-transport users have priority.
Take note that motor vehicles are not allowed in Class 2 painted bike lanes, unlike the sharrows of Class 3. But without proper enforcement, they will end up as the same thing—just like in Metro Manila.
“The establishment of the protected bike lanes will, as we constantly say, contribute to the change in perspective, and hopefully, result in a change in the way we view and use public roads,” said DOTr secretary for road transport and infrastructure James Andres Melad. “Our aim is not just to shift to a more sustainable mode of transport, but to promote a more viable and healthier mobility option.”
These bike lanes will incorporate features such as trees, pavement marking, bollards, as well as other separators. They are expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of this year.