My first 5 months working at VISOR

I first encountered VISOR five years ago through an article I saw while scrolling on Facebook. Its unusual title piqued my curiosity so I gave it a click.

Reading about the author’s moral conviction convinced me that this was no ordinary motoring website. I started following it on Facebook.

Fast-forward five years and I am now working at VISOR, having started more than five months ago. Although I graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering, my passions lie in travel, photography, and writing.

These are some of the author's favorite photos taken for VISOR. PHOTOS BY LEANDRO MANGUBAT

If I already have the license, then why don’t I practice as an engineer? That’s because I believe that what people really need is not more advanced technology, but a better transport system.

I could serve better by writing about mobility, and VISOR gave me the opportunity and platform to do so.

The old editors of VISOR are glad to be working with some young blood. PHOTO BY DIGNA ROSALES

A few months before starting my first job, I began cycling and got exposed to the community. VISOR had a rather negative reputation on social media, but I kept an open mind since the Internet doesn’t show the complete picture.

As I continued working, I began meeting the other writers one after another. I learned that although we don’t meet face-to-face because of the busyness of life, VISOR is a team of diverse individuals coming from different walks of life working together to serve the readers.

The author loves cycling so much that he even bikes to car shows and events. PHOTOS BY WOWIE GO AND LEANDRO MANGUBAT

Although I got the hang of things somewhat quickly, my writing had a tendency to become abrasive when writing about mobility. It wasn’t pleasant being corrected, but I took that as a challenge to grow as a writer—to be creative enough so my words would be diplomatic rather than divisive.

A team member once shared with me that because of the highly imperfect transport system in the country, we can’t blame motorists for driving cars for they are just as oppressed as the commuters struggling to get a ride. In the same vein, there’s no good in antagonizing transport workers such as jeepney drivers and bus drivers since they’re just trying to make a living.

In short, if I wanted to get my message across, then I need to sympathize with people, not demonize them.

Trying out these different electric vehicles has been a great learning experience for the author. PHOTOS BY LEANDRO MANGUBAT

Eventually, I was given the privilege to try out different vehicles, but it also comes with responsibilities. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying test units, but the point is to write about them so readers would be properly informed.

That’s why when I make my reviews, I make it a point to gain real-world experience with the brief time I have, so I could recommend it to the right audience.

There's no better first job for the author other than working at VISOR. PHOTO BY LEANDRO MANGUBAT

I thought the delays in my college graduation and board exam were wasted time. But in God’s wisdom, He had ordained those setbacks for something better.

Rather than sending me, an undeserving sinner, to some far-off plant to work as a mechanical engineer, He instead led me to VISOR so I could use my God-given talents to work in mobility for His glory.

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