Remember the well-intentioned but poorly worded anti-muffler ordinance from Manila City? Well, it seems like Bonifacio Global City has had it with the noise pollution as well.
In a Facebook post, BGC is reminding the public that its community is a Quiet Zone from 8pm to 8am, likely following several complaints about loud exhausts and boisterous meetups from two- and four-wheeled vehicles alike.

Residents have ranted in the comments section, agreeing how annoying this has become—even from the top of BGC’s skyscrapers.

Come on, guys. Let’s not regress back to grade school where we have to be told off to keep it quiet. Evening runs and eyeballs are loads of fun, but not to the tens of thousands of residents whose peace and quiet these events disturb. Respect begets respect, and it’s only fair that we do not trample on the right of others to live peacefully and safely.
You’d probably be furious, too, if you were woken up in the middle of the night by some random straight-piped 125cc underbone motorcycle. Not cool.