The sporty Vespa Sprint S gets smarter

The updated Sprint S retains its classic look. PHOTO FROM VESPA

Vespa seems to have this “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” mantra. Its motorcycles have seen very little changes in their 75-year history. From its looks to technical components, you’d have to wait for a long time before seeing any significant update in its product line. Vespa Philippines recently launched the refreshed Sprint S, which it says is irresistible. But will it really get buyers flocking to showrooms for one?

The Nero Opaco paint job looks sporty and elegant. PHOTOS FROM VESPA

Basically, the updated Sprint S looks a lot like the ones we’ve been seeing on the road. The body shape (which it shares with the Primavera) and the 12-inch wheels have been left untouched. However, it gets new paint jobs like Bronzo Antico (bronze body with black trim and wheels) and Nero Opaco (matte-black body with bronze trim and wheels). The comfortable saddle has diamond patterns, too. All these give the Sprint S extra style points.

The comfortable saddle has diamond patterns for extra style points. PHOTOS FROM VESPA

But the biggest change has to be the use of a TFT dashboard. Unlike most motorcycles that use an LCD, the Sprint S uses a screen that is no different from those on mobile phones. Information is legible in all lighting conditions. You can connect your smartphone with the Vespa app, which allows you to get notifications on the screen. You can tinker with the display through a joystick on the right-hand handlebar. The app can extract data like vehicle status, riding parameters and travel statistics.

This premium scooter finally gets a digital display. PHOTO FROM VESPA

Powering the Sprint S is the same 150cc air-cooled three-valve engine. This is good for 13hp and 12.8Nm, smoothly transmitted to the rear wheel via a continuously variable transmission. Stopping power is courtesy of an anti-lock disc up front and a mechanically operated drum at the back.

The Sprint S’s P245,000 price tag might be too prohibitive for some. But for those who genuinely know the brand, its heritage and the prestige that comes with it, it’s a small price to pay to experience the joys of owning and riding a Vespa.

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