Mitsubishi Fuso Canter trucks will help out in Vietnam’s vaccination drive

The Vietnamese distributor of Mitsubishi Fuso trucks has donated 126 vehicles. PHOTO FROM MITSUBISHI FUSO

Vaccines are seen as a major weapon in the fight against COVID-19. But just when we think we’ve already seen a silver lining in this pandemic, the number of patients is rapidly rising again because of new and deadlier variants. Countries are now scrambling to inoculate as many of their citizens as possible.

Vietnam is one nation whose pandemic response has been lauded. At the onset of the health crisis last year, the country managed to keep its infections and deaths relatively low. Because of the Delta variant, the government is now accelerating efforts to get jabs for its 100 million citizens. This is in line with the plan to vaccinate 70% of the population and achieve herd immunity by early 2022.

The reefer trucks have built-in ramps for easy access to the vaccines. PHOTOS FROM MITSUBISHI FUSO

Earlier this year, the nation set up a public fund to secure and distribute vaccines. This is where companies and private organizations like Truong Hai Auto Corporation (THACO) come in. The authorized distributor of Mitsubishi Fuso products in Vietnam recently helped out by donating 126 Canter trucks for use in the government’s inoculation drive.

These trucks are configured as vaccine transporters and mobile testing labs. In addition, THACO has also given away medical supplies like disinfectants and testing kits to various towns and cities.

Patients will get tested and vaccinated in wing vans like this one. PHOTO FROM MITSUBISHI FUSO

Whether Vietnam or any other country can completely win against COVID-19 remains to be seen. But if there’s any takeaway from this, it’s that prompt and science-based approaches are needed to keep the virus from spreading. During these perilous times, overpriced laptops the inefficient use of public funds is the last thing we need. We hope that our government realizes this.

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