Poor sense of direction? Be guided by simple tattoos

If you think this is funny, just know that there are people who are really bad with directions. INSTAGRAM POST BY LAUREN WINZER

To be honest, I’m not a big fan of tattoos. But I admit I admire skin art that serves a purpose. Take for example the above simple design shared by Sydney-based tattoo artist Lauren Winzer. She made this for a client who had difficulty following directions. She captioned it:

Not only are tattoos cute, but they can also be super functional!!! Good luck with all your future directions.

I personally have a poor sense of direction, so I can totally relate to this. Okay, maybe not too poor for me to get confused with left and right, but I’m the type who needs to visit a specific address at least five times before being able to go there without the help of Waze. So, yeah, I dig this brilliant life hack.

Now, if you’re really good at finding your way around but still want a motoring-themed tattoo, how about an illustration of your beloved car instead?

A tattoo of your cherished chariot? Why not? INSTAGRAM POST BY LAUREN WINZER

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