My Goals of 2021

Credit: infiniacorps

With a new year comes new goals, and I want to start 2021 off right by planning what goals I have in mind that I want to achieve. Here is what I want to achieve in 2021.


  • Watch 365 films, equivalent to one film a day minimum.
  • Watch 100 short films from a variety of genres: live-action fiction, animation, documentary.
  • Watch 50 films in the cinema (depending on the pandemic and when cinemas can safely re-open).
  • Watch films from 20 different countries.
  • Complete the 52 Films by Women challenge.


  • Review 10 TV seasons.
  • Watch 40 TV seasons in their entirety.
  • Explore a range of genre in TV: comedy, drama, fantasy, documentary.
  • Complete the following TV shows: Modern Family, Bates Motel, Black Mirror, Schitt’s Creek.
  • Start preparing to cover TV award season in 2022.

Film For Thought

  • Write ten blog posts minimum a month.
  • Review 50 films in 2021.
  • Start a new series based on comparing the book and movie (name pending).
  • Push content heavily during awards season and cover every major show.
  • Cover at least three festivals.
  • Continue to release and perfect the Film For Thought Podcast.

Freelance Writing

  • Do one paid piece of writing every month.
  • Expand my portfolio by pitching and taking commission and unpaid work.
  • Write in styles that I am unfamiliar in, such as news and classic retrospectives.
  • Write at least one article a month for InSession Film.
  • Write my second script.
  • Submit my first script, High-Risk, to festivals and competitions.

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